Set in a spectacular setting on the banks of a meandering Alagon river. This famous location has tra
Perfectly isolated between beautiful natural parks and stunning mountain ranges, the medieval town o
The two Prehistoric Rock Art Sites in the Côa Valley (Portugal) and Siega Verde (Spain), consisting
Portugal | Spain Border Crossing - Vilar Formoso | Sources Onoro
The Casa Lis is an urban mansion nestled on the old wall of the city. The Casa Lis is a museum locat
Ieronimus at 30 meters to the summit shows the two cathedrals from above also have fantastic views o
The Old Cathedral is one of two cathedrals in Salamanca, Spain, the other being the New Cathedral of
The New Cathedral is, together with the Old Cathedral, one of the two cathedrals of Salamanca, Spain
The University of Salamanca is a Spanish higher education institution, located in the town of Salama
The Convento de San Esteban is a Dominican monastery situated in the Plaza del Concilio de Trento in