Results For Spain from France South Listings

Santiago de Compostela, Unesco Site, La

Santiago de Compostela is the capital of northwest Spain’s Galicia region. It’s known as the culmina

mapMarkerGrey Rúa da Trindade, 11, 15705 San...

Hostal dos Reis Católicos, Santiago de C

The Hostal dos Reis Católicos, also called the Hostal de Los Reyes Católicos or Parador de Santiago,

mapMarkerGrey Rúa de San Francisco, 1, 15704...

Cabo Fisterra, Galicia, Spain

Cape Finisterre is a rock-bound peninsula on the west coast of Galicia, Spain. In Roman times it was

mapMarkerGrey AC-445, 15155 Fisterra, La Cor...

Tower of Hercules, Unesco Site, La Corun

una, Spain The Tower of Hercules has served as a lighthouse and landmark at the entrance of La Coruñ

mapMarkerGrey Torre de Hércules, Avenida Nav...

Tower of Hercules, A Coruña, Spain

The historic Tower of Hercules is the only Roman lighthouse which, since its origins up to the prese

mapMarkerGrey Torre de Hércules, Avenida Nav...

Muralla Romana de Lugo, Lugo, Spain

The Roman walls of Lugo were constructed in the 3rd century and are still largely intact today, stre

mapMarkerGrey Praza Pío XII, 5, 27001 Lugo, ...

Roman Walls of Lugo, Unesco, Lugo, Spain

The Roman walls of Lugo were constructed in the 3rd century and are still largely intact today, stre

mapMarkerGrey Rúa Roi Xordo, 1, 27002 Lugo, ...

Viewpoint, Garita de Herbeira, A Coruña,

Famous for allowing superb views over the highest cliffs in Europe. a height is more than 600 m. Cae

mapMarkerGrey DP-2205, 7, 15365 Cariño, La C...

Cabo Ortegal, La Coruña, Spain

Cabo Ortegal, where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Bay of Biscay. Great stone shafts drop sheer into t

mapMarkerGrey Calle Cabo Ortegal, 1, 15360 C...

Viewpoint,  Máis Bonito, A Coruña, Spain

Spectacular viewpoint boasts the best bank in the world where you can see the cliffs of Loiba and mo

mapMarkerGrey Unnamed Road, 15339 Ortigueira...